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≈25grams Organic Spirulina Powder and tablet

≈25grams Organic Spirulina Powder and tablet

Regular price ₱69.00 PHP
Regular price ₱89.00 PHP Sale price ₱69.00 PHP
Sale Sold out
Product: Spirulina Powder and tablet (≈25grams)
1.) Increases uniform growth rate for your fish.
2.) Improves digestion of your fish; more nutrition is also extracted from the food as there are no indigestible components.
3.) Boost the immune system of the fish, it will also aid in the prevention of swollen abdomens due to blocked intestinal passages.
4.) Enhances the production of special enzymes that break down digested fats into energy rather than letting them build up in the fishes body.
5.) Better fish coloration ; this is due to the carotene pigments that are found in the algae.
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